Golf from Myrtle Beach (1998)
- Sunday - Brunswick
- Our 1998 group grows to a fourteen including a new
addition, Don Roeseke; and veteran Ed Palguta, returning after a 10-year
absence. Welcome to all.
- Great weather and good temperatures followed us the entire
- Stan Law's tee shot on the par
- Bill Trieschman says keep your
head down on the tee shot.
- With good style, Kevin McKenna
pitches the ball to the green.
- Rich Olin tales dead aim on his
- Ron Spath has a short iron shot
to the 18th green.
- Carl Keller watches his shot go
to the 18th green.
- Kevin McKenna putts the ball on
the 18th green.
- Basil Miller takes aim to hit
the ball over the trap to the green and then tries again to knock
it out of the bunker on the 18th.
- Greg Nielson chips it in the cup
from the fringe on the 18th hole.
- Monday - Angles Trace
- A nice, but tough golf course.
- There is a hint of rain in Monday's local weather
forecast, but nothing developed.
- Tuesday - Legends (Heathland)
- The Heathland course was in fine shape.
- We ran into a bunch of Bay Hills golfers and their
- A Photographer greets us as we
tee off.
- Gary Holloway on the first tee.
- Rich Olin prepares to hit the
ball off of the first tee.
- John Herbst tries to hide
behind his driver and then John
addresses the ball on the first tee.
- Ed Palguta hits the ball from
near a fairway bunker on the par 5.
- Wednesday - Surf Club
- Ron Spath hits a drive from the
tenth tee.
- Don Roeseke punches out from
behind a tree on the first hole.
- There were many trees blown down by Huricane Bonnie.
- Thursday - Preswick Country Club
- Bob Lindner pitches to the 9th
green with the fine looking clubhouse in the background then Bob putts the ball in the hole.
- Bill Trieschman punches the
ball from a mound near the 9th fairway.
- Dave Ditman hits the ball, but
Dave cannot understand why his ball did
not land on the 16th green.
- Everyone gathers in the parking
lot of the Prestwick Country Club to looks for skins and swap
golf tales.
- Friday - Burning Ridge
- A nice friendly course, in good shape
- Saturday - Panthers Run
- We say bye to our Myrtle Beach accommodations, the
and the beach for another year.
- The group is ready for an early start at Panther's Run.
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