MapInfo resources available for dam safety applications

  1. Index List of MapInfo files and data available for dam safety applications (this file).

  2. List of MapInfo Frequently Asked Questions, current version available from

  3. STATES.TAB A base map for the 48 contiguous states and the state of Alaska. The STATES.TAB file is included with the MapInfo 3.0 install disk. Gridlines can also be opened using the GRID05.TAB file from MapInfo to establish 5-degree by 5-degree tiles. These tiles are used to identify the location of data from the Digital Chart of the World, color relief maps, etc.

  4. ST_LOW48.TAB High resolution state boundary file of lower 48 states; based on 1994 Tiger data that has been translated into MapInfo File Format (MIF) and placed on the Tiger Home Page ( A compressed file ( with the MIF data is available for users to download, uncompress with PKZIP.EXE and import into a MapInfo TAB file.

  5. COUNTY.TAB Provided by MapInfo Corporation as a supplemental (low resolution county) file. It has also been broken down as 48 separate files showing all counties within each state.

  6. counties High resolution county files (one for each state) are available in MapInfo format and included in one ZIP file ( that can be downloaded from the Tiger Home Page.

  7. DCW Translated from 1992 Digital Chart of the World, using DCW2MIF, a series of 5-degree by 5-degree tiles were generated showing features such as political boundaries and rivers one at a time or together to show all layers in the same view. Additional layers are also available on the DCW CD-ROM. USGS provides a fact sheet describing the Digital Chart of the World. An updated DCW was scheduled for release in 1995.

  8. Relief maps Color relief maps based on 5-degree by 5-degree tiles. Downloaded from internet FTP site and saved as a JPG file. The relief maps can be used as background for a series of vector layers. An Index map(101k) shows the location of each of the tiles. Source - Johns Hopkins. Political boundaries and rivers(31k) can also be added to the color relief map. At a little larger scale, hydro dams(121k) have been added. These color relief maps can be downloaded from several locations including and also from the Color Landform Atlas of the United States.

  9. Assorted maps 230,000 maps from University of Texas. An example is a county map of Georgia, a raster file with typical bitmap limitations.

  10. Montana Raster and vector maps for Montana, such as river basins, roads, legislative districts, etc. Some of the files are in ArcInfo compressed format and must be translated with versoin 3.1 of ArcLink.

  11. SUBWATS.PCX Berkeley regional study SURFACE.PCX

  12. NID National Inventory of Dams has been collected for 76,000 dams in the United States. A copy of the 1993-1994 inventory is published on CD-ROM may be obtained from FEMA. In addition, the Corps of Engineers provides an on-line copy of the database in three formats including dBASE. The entire United States or any one state can be opened in MapInfo. Operates much faster if only one state is opened rather than the entire USA.

  13. FERC_NAT.TAB All FERC regulated dams that are included in the National Inventory of Dams. The dBASE file was opened in MapInfo and Points Created.

  14. SEISMIC.TAB Seismic zones of the lower 48 states. Weekly seismic data also available from San Diego Home Page. EQNET.TAB Seismic networks and data centers in the US EQ9507US.TAB M>2 earthquakes recorded by CNSS network for the 2 weeks ending 7/29/95. NCAL.TAB Northern California earthquakes (7/17/95)

  15. Weather maps Rainfall intensity available from several internet sources; including Michigan State University and Ohio State. An example is the rainfall for tropical storm Beryl. Weather forecast maps are also available from several places such as INTELLICAST.

  16. Streamflow Streamflow data that has previously been available from WATSTORE can now be obtained from the EarthInfo CD-ROM and exported as a dBASE file (or ASCII, 123, etc.), alpha-numeric long\lat entry must be converted to decimal, and opened in MapInfo. For example, this will allow gages and other resources in an area to be viewed on the same map. Daily and peak value are both available on the CD-ROM.

  17. Hurricanes This is a MapInfo (v3) table (696k) of all Atlantic hurricanes from 1888 to 1995 (including Opal). Tracks are colored by storm strength, segmented by daily locations. Great resource for weather wonks, risk managers, planners. etc. Daily records show fields including Name, Date, Time of recording, Lat/Long, Wind speed, Pressure, and SaffirSimpson category. Thanks to Steve Wallace who maintains the Geographic Jump Station at .

  18. USGS flows Through the internet, streamflow data are also available online from USGS. Output formats include large graphs, small graphs and tab-delimited text data files. A GIF map, showing counties and rivers included, such as the one for Georgia (CNTY.GIF).

  19. USGS Quads Available from several Internet sources. The file QUAD100.GIF is an index map of the 30 by 60 quads in Iowa. Arc/INFO data files provide Iowa state-wide coverage.

  20. Aerial photo Available from several Internet sources, such as NASA's Photo Gallery or Bill Thoen's Web. They can be used as background for a series of vector files. An example is SC-WASH.GIF.

  21. ArcInfo data ArcInfo data can be converted to MapInfo using the ArcLink program. This program operates within MapInfo. Iowa is an example of river data that were found in file rivers01.taz and topo in topo01.taz. data

  22. STIPPLED.TAB Approximate outline of HMR-51 stippled area.

  23. DLG The description of Digital Line Graph data files is provided on the USGS Home Page. A DLG file can be large (7.5-minute by 7.5-minute units), intermediate (1:100,000 scale), or National Atlas sectionals of the United States at 1:2 million scale. An example of a large scale DLG is the GIF file of Coeue D'Alene.

  24. DRG Digital Raster Graphic files are scanned images of USGS topographic maps. The DRG may be used as a background layer to review or revise other data. More information may be obtained from the USGS fact sheet for DRG data. An example of a DRG file is the quad sheet for the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania area, that is included on the USGS WWW server.

  25. Hydrologic unit maps These maps include a hydrologic unit map of the United States, and hydrologic unit maps for each State. They delineate the hydrographic boundaries of major river basins and show numeric codes assigned to each river basin. Hydrologic Unit Maps may be obtained online from the USGS in Arc/INFO format.

  26. Street Atlas USA The CD-ROM version of Street Atlas USA can be used for locating dams or downstream inundation areas. For any dam site, these maps can be saved as raster files and opened in MapInfo. Tip: Upon exit from the Street Atlas USA program, the ST.INI file contains the longitude and latitude of the center of the last map that was viewed. This is a quick way to find the longitude and latitude of a location, such as a damsite.

  27. US Cities A collection of 25,682 cities and towns in the United States (915k) available in MapInfo format from the MAPINFI-L FTP Site, (contributed by Steve Wallace). Fields in the database include state, city name, land area, water area, Hu100, and 1990 population.

  28. Atlas A transportation atlas on CD-ROM, also with waterway information, is available from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics Office of Geographic Information Services URL or by calling phone number 202-554-3564 or 366-DATA.

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Last revised December 27, 1996